How to Potty Train a Stubborn Toddler

Potty training your toddler can be one of the worst and headache producing things you will ever have to endure as a mother. This is multiplied by 12 when you have to potty train a stubborn toddler. But we've got you covered.

Consistency is your Friend

First, you have to understand that you will most likely get pee and poop in places where you really don't want it; this is what discourages most parents and makes them go back to diapers in an attempt to spare their carpets, sofas, ect. However, this is the worst thing you can do. Going back and forth confuses your child, and it makes them think its ok to go potty in places that are off limits because they forget they aren't wearing a diaper. So, the key here is consistency.

Invest is heavy duty carpet cleaners and detergents. We recommend having this kit handy:

  • Resolve spray
  • Resolve aerosol can (heavy duty pet high traffic area)
  • Febreze
  • Plenty of undies and bedding
  • A mattress protector
These will help you clean up messes and eliminate oder as they happen. You should try letting your child run free with just undies on or nothing at all. This will make it easier for them to access the potty whenever they need it, without a lot of clothing getting in the way.

Potty Proximity is Important

Keeping the potty close by is also a plus. Many parents find that keeping the potty in their toddler's room during naps and at night decreases the chances of their child wetting the bed because it breeds a routine of accessibility whenever they need it. After a few nights, your child will be hardwired to just get up and go because they know its there. During the day, keep the potty in the living room while your child is watching cartoons.

The location of the potty should always be progressive, as your child begins to understand the potty rules, you should move it to the bathroom so that they can learn to associate the two. Often, moving it to the bathroom first will put too much pressure on the child to learn too much at one time and will make the potty less accessible. Remember that toddlers are "in the moment" type of people. So, when they feel it coming, they have to go immediately. As they get older, its easier for them to hold it.

Spearhead Accidents

Finally, have patience and remind your child to go to the potty several times throughout the day. Check them regularly and take precautions. There will be accidents, but you can limit some of them. You can try placing a doggy potty training pad on the carseat in the car. Should your toddler have an accident in the car, the potty pad will absorb most of the urine so that your car isn't a victim. If there are leaks, you'll have your resolve and Febreze to get you through it.

Your toddler will most likely pee in their undies a bit before they realize they had to go and head for the potty. Sometimes, it just a few drops, so you can place pantyliners on your toddler's undies to absorb any leaks. This way, whenever it happens, you can just remove the liner and not have to get new undies each time.
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Mrs. Life Skills, formerly The Happy Housemaid, is a lifesttyle publisher.


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