Top 4 TV Shows of the Late 90s

The 90s seems like it was just yesterday, yet its been 15 years since we last experience all that it had to offer; most of which were TV shows that kept us glued to the tele as we related to each episode on a personal level.

We've compiled a list of the top 4 Prime Time shows that engulfed us in the 90s. Many of us miss these great shows, but we can still catch them on Netflix.

Felicity- Felicity ran for 4 seasons, forcing us to self examine our own lives, as many of us were directly relating to her love triangle with beau Ben and best friend Noel. For 4 years, we watched Felicity grow from a timid pre-med student who followed her crush to NY for college, to a self determined art student, then pre-med again. Not only were her struggles with choosing a major that made her happy and keeping her parents happy, an all too familiar situation for many of us in the 90s, but her ever changing feelings for a guy who was seemingly perfect (Noel) always being trumped by her feelings for bad boy Ben, were also a hard hitting reality for all off us in triangular relationships. By the end of the show, viewers were split between those who expected for Felicity to end up with they good guy Noel and those who wanted her to follow her heart one last time and choose Ben.

Dawson's Creek- Arguably, a phenomenon in TV history, James Van Der Beek captured the hearts of every teen girl from Maine to California, leaving them hoping to be his best friend Joey (Katie Holmes). A story which portrayed a group of teens in New England brought to life the changes young adults can encounter when they grow from children to young people with expanding feelings and views. Dawson and Joey were best friends since childhood, even sleeping in the same bed as kids. But when they reach their teenage years, feelings start making things difficult, and with the added drama of another friend's affection for Joey and a new bad girl after Dawson, the show jumps from the screen as an all too real experience for most teens in the 90s. The show was also one of the first to tackle the topic of being a gay teen in the US.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer- Vampires have been a mystical and engrossing topic for decades, but in the 90s, they were the center of pop culture and Buffy was at the heart of it. Everyone tuned in to see the tough teen kick vampire butt at night in the cemetery and save the world from apocalypse, while being trained by her keeper, Giles, and surrounded by her best friends Willow and Xander, who was officially friend-zoned in favor of a vampire with a soul, Angel. Yes, there was a lot going on on that show, and we were hooked. So hooked, that when the show tapered and Angel was given a spinoff show, we followed him to embark on more epic battles and world threatening adventures. We never did forget Buffy and Angel's romance, and drooled over the TV each time they were separated and reunited by the fate of the world and "the powers that be".

Angel- One of the later shows to arrive on the scene, it was backed by the entire audience of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and it did not disappoint. With super hot Cordelia also joining the show, the fans tuned in every week to watch the show's patriarch, Angel, save the world along side his gang of paranormal fighting humans and demon advisers. We even saw Angel do the impossible; become a father! Yes, we remember when Darla made an appearance on the show and steal his heart for the first time since Buffy to conceive a child on the one night they were spelled humans; and we watched selfish Darla do the most unselfish thing of her eternal life; sacrifice her life to birth baby Connor.

These were 4 of the top grossing shows in the late 90s. And reliving these memories took me right back to those days of urban legends, best friends and prime-time TV!

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About Victoria Windsor de Valentinois

Mrs. Life Skills, formerly The Happy Housemaid, is a lifesttyle publisher.


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