Music, Voices, & Heartbeats: What Can My Unborn Baby Hear?

The question of whether or not a baby can hear music while in the womb has been asked many times, and most mothers may be skeptical about how sounds outside of the womb may affect their unborn baby; but rest assured, this article should answer all of your questions.

Can my Baby Hear & React to Music?

Yes, your baby can hear and react to music. It is recommended that you play classical music as it is universal and very calming if the right tune his chosen. Listening to music can start your babies brain development off early as they hear the different beats and begin to discover melodies.

Your baby's hearing will be completely developed by the end of the second trimester, so this will be the best time to begin introducing soothing tracks. Offering up soothing songs and symphonies can be an added bonus for parents, as when your baby becomes increasingly upset or has a bad day, it can also be one of the things that can calm them down because these symphonies will already be familiar to them as will be your voices.

Can my Baby Differentiate Between my Voice and my Husband's?

Yes, in fact, before your baby learns how to differentiate your husband's voice, it will learn and attach itself to your voice. Your voice is the first voice your baby will ever hear. Your baby will hear your voice while you are alone, when you talk to yourself, when you talk on the phone, when you talk to your pets; eventually, the resonating frequencies of your voice will become familiar to your baby and even comforting.

Overtime, your baby will begin to learn the frequencies of your husband's voice and other people in the home. But usually, babies react the most to just their mother and father's voice. You can test this at home by conducting a fun test many pregnant women enjoy. Talk to your baby throughout the day. As soon as your husband comes home ask him to talk to your belly and say something like "daddy's home". You'll notice that your baby will react to the difference of the voice as if it knows that the person talking is its father.

Can my Voice Calm my upset Baby?

Yes, as mentioned above, the first voice that your baby will here is yours. The birthing experience maybe lovely and wonderful for the mother, but for the baby it can be a bit scary. Your baby has spent the past nine months in the comfort of your womb covered by the solitude and protection of your belly. Emerging into this world and witnessing many voices, faces, lights and things for the very first time can be distressing for your baby. 

Usually, doctors always warn mothers that the second day will be the worst, this is when your baby will really start to realize that they are no longer in your womb and can become upset and inconsolable; by holding your baby and speaking to them calmly and for very long periods of time, your voice will become the only familiar thing to your baby, and it will begin comforting them. Have your husband do the same and you will begin to see that your voices and your heartbeat mill make the difference between a sleepless night and a good nights rest.

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About Victoria Windsor de Valentinois

Mrs. Life Skills, formerly The Happy Housemaid, is a lifesttyle publisher.


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